ICV Evaluation In Tenders

Applying ICV in Commercial Evaluation of Tenders

Name of Bidder Company ICV Score Bid Amount (in QAR mn)
A 35% 100
B 40% 105
C 32% 97
D 30% 95
1st Step:Boundary Condition Evaluation
  • (a) Bid amount should not exceed 10%* of lowest bidder. (QAR 95+10% = QAR 104.5 million is boundary limit)
  • (b) Bidder Company ‘B’ is disqualified for further evaluation process.
Name of Bidder Company ICV Score Bid Amount (in QAR mn) Boundary Condition (Boundary limit QAR 104.5)
A 35% 100 Qualified
B 40% 105 (Disqualified)
C 32% 97 Qualified
D 30% 95 Qualified
  • Boundary limit is 10% for tenders less than or equal to QAR 200mn.
  • Boundary limit is 5% for tenders more than QAR 200mn and less than or equal to QAR 500 million.
2nd Step:Commercial Score Evaluation
  • Commercial Score = Commercial Bid Amount – ICV Score %
Name of Bidder Company ICV Score Bid Amount (in QAR mn) Commercial Score
A 35% 100 (QAR 100 – 35% of 100) 65.00
B 40% 105 (Disqualified) (Disqualified)
C 32% 97 (QAR 97 – 32% of 97) 65.96
D 30% 95 (QAR 95 – 30% of 95) 66.50

The Bidder Company ‘A’ indicating the lowest Commercial Score will be awarded the Tender at the Bid amount of QAR 100 Million.

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